Capricorn Season 2021-2022: Self Mastery and Reflection

Capricorn season begins on December 22, 2021, and ends on January 19, 2022. This season is an excellent time for setting goals and planning for the future. Planting the seeds during Capricorn season will help them germinate and grow during the following seasons. This season offers the opportunity for self-reflection and contemplation about our own path. Our thoughts are particularly powerful now, as we focus on our goals and desires for the future.

- Mindset of the Capricorn

Capricorn is an earth sign, ruled by Saturn. This sign is associated with discipline, responsibility, and hard work. Capricorns are often successful in their careers, as they can apply these qualities to their professional lives. However, Capricorns can also be quite stubborn and traditional. So when a planet or luminary visits this sign, we may be called upon to challenge our outdated ways of thinking and behaving.


The sun highlights an excellent time for looking inward and reflecting on the most important things in our lives. We may want to set aside time for meditation and self-reflection, and we should also schedule regular spiritual practice in our daily lives. A spiritual connection with something beyond ourselves will help us open up to new realizations about ourselves and others, which will guide our future choices.


- Getting Ready for Capricorn Season

This Capricorn season offers the opportunity for introspection and taking charge of our future. We may want to evaluate what we truly need in our lives, as well as how we can be creative and expressive with our time and resources. Although hard work is important during the winter months, we also want to make sure that we are not neglecting to build a strong foundation for the future.


Winter is typically not the best time for starting new projects or launching new initiatives. While many of us want to get moving on our goals during Capricorn season, it's probably better to wait until Aries season (March 21 - April 19, 2022). We will be more likely to see our efforts come to fruition during the Aries season, when we can put more effort into making things happen.


During this Capricorn season, it is important to adapt our personal goals to the climate of winter. Our energy levels will be lower than usual, so we want to consider what small steps we can take now that will help us achieve our goals later. For example, if we wanted to start a new career path, quitting our employment now would be counterproductive. However, we can begin researching our new career and studying the necessary skills now.


Below are some tips to help you make the most of Capricorn season:

1. Set realistic goals and plan of action.

2. Take time for self-reflection and meditation.

3. Schedule regular spiritual practice.

4. Evaluate what is important in your life.

5. Simplify your life to exclude non-essentials.

6. Define your purpose for the new year

7. Identify new interests and hobbies that will bring joy to your life.

8. Resolve conflicts, clean up messes, and mend relationships.

9. Focus on doing one thing at a time


Capricorn Season and the Zodiac

Each sign can make the most out of the energies of Capricorn season by incorporating the following suggestions into their lives for this month. Though only take these suggestions with a grain of salt. A thorough understanding of your birth chart will yield the best results when working with the stars.


Aries: To get the most out of this Capricorn season, you should try to focus on one task at a time. There may be some delays and setbacks in your plans, so it is important to have flexibility. Your mind may be filled with thoughts about all kinds of projects or ideas. This can be a good thing if you are only focusing on one of them at a time. However, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the excess of information that is coming in to your brain. This can be counter-productive if you are not able to filter out what is irrelevant or unhelpful for your goals. It's okay to have many ideas, but it's best to focus on executing a few of them at a time.

Taurus: Home, family, and your personal life in general should be the focus for this Capricorn season. You may feel a stronger urge to domesticate and take care of everything in your home. This is a time where you can create a strong foundation for yourself and your loved ones. You may want to consider ways to simplify your life so that you have more time and energy to focus on what is important to you. You may also want to resolve any conflicts or problems that have been brewing in your home life.

Gemini: You may feel a stronger urge to express yourself creatively this Capricorn season. You may also want to focus on your children, or any creative projects that you have been working on. This is a good time to put in the extra effort. However, you should beware of getting too caught up in the details and losing sight of the big picture. Make sure to take time for yourself, so you can reflect on your progress and make the necessary changes.

Cancer: Work and health should be your focus during Capricorn season. You may feel a stronger urge to get organized and improve your work habits. This is a good time to start new routines such as practicing self-care and de-stressing. This may also be a good time to resolve any conflicts at work, or heal from difficult experiences that you have had in this area of your life. You may want to reevaluate your career goals and make the necessary changes if needed.

Leo: It is important to focus on partnerships and relationships during Capricorn season. You may feel a stronger urge to resolve any conflicts or problems in your relationships. This is also a good time to start new projects with others, as long as you can compromise and work together. However, you should beware of over-committing yourself or becoming too dependent on others. Make sure to make time for yourself, so you can be strong and independent when you are with others.

Virgo: It is important to focus on your transformation during Capricorn season. You may feel a stronger urge to change something about yourself or improve certain areas of your life. This is a good time to start new projects or goals that will help you grow and become who you want to be. However, you should beware of becoming bogged down by details and losing sight of your goal. Make sure to take time for yourself, so you can reflect on your progress and make the necessary changes.

Libra: It is important to focus on your spirituality during Capricorn season. You may feel a stronger urge to change something about yourself or improve certain areas of your life. This is a good time to start new projects or goals that will help you grow and become who you want to be. However, you should beware of becoming bogged down by details and lose sight of your goal. Make sure to take time for yourself, so you can reflect on your progress and make necessary changes.

Scorpio: If you have been feeling stuck in a rut, Capricorn season may be just what you need to get moving again. You may feel a stronger urge to take action and start new projects. Maybe it is time to go back to school or start a new career. However, you should beware of overworking yourself and becoming stressed out. Make sure to take time for yourself, so you can reflect on your progress and make the necessary changes.

Sagittarius: When we make major changes or embark on a new journey, we often feel the need to say goodbye to our past and embrace our future. This is a time for letting go and moving forward. You may want to consider ways to break free from your old way of thinking, so you can welcome positive change into your life.

Aquarius: This could be a time where you are feeling restless and need changes in your daily routine. Aquarians tend to do well during Capricorn season when they can focus on their goals and put in the hard work. You may want to consider ways to break free from your old way of thinking, so you can welcome positive change into your life.

Pisces: The focus for you during Capricorn season should be on your material possessions and money. You may feel a stronger urge to get your finances in order. This is a good time to plot out your budget for the next month or so. However, you should beware of over-committing yourself or developing an unhealthy relationship with money. Make sure to take time for yourself, so you can reflect on your progress and make necessary changes.

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